Share your specific thoughts, draw a map, or attend an upcoming workshop to get involved!
- Submit written testimony about the process or a specific map on our contact page.
- Click here to see the calendar of workshops and public hearings at which you can speak about the process or a specific map.
- Click here for information on drawing and submitting maps.
At the hearings and workshops, we want you to:
- Share your story
- Define your neighborhood or community of interest
- Explain why redistricting is relevant to your community
- Get the tools you need to draw a map of one district or of all the districts
- Share your opinions of the draft maps
- Talk to your neighbors and local organizations
To allow ample time for Council consideration, draft maps should be submitted no later than March 7, 2022. Maps submitted after that date will not be rejected but may not receive full consideration because of legal deadlines the City must meet.